Senin, 30 April 2018

Platform Mobee = Mengandung Cryptocurrency yang akan bermanfaat bagi operator

Halo ... Sobat kembali dengan saya Kobro, saya di sini untuk membuat sesuatu yang menarik, Anda harus membaca dan melihat dan bahkan mengikuti proyek ini dan tentu saja proyek ini keren dan sangat menjanjikan.  Jadi kita akan melihat deskripsi proyek ini.
Operator jaringan seluler juga dikenal sebagai penyedia layanan nirkabel, operator nirkabel, perusahaan seluler atau operator jaringan seluler adalah penyedia layanan komunikasi nirkabel yang memiliki atau mengendalikan semua elemen yang diperlukan untuk menjual dan menyediakan layanan kepada pengguna akhir termasuk alokasi spektrum radio, infrastruktur jaringan nirkabel, pengiriman kembali, penagihan, layanan pelanggan, penyediaan sistem komputer dan organisasi pemasaran dan perbaikan. Karakteristik utama yang menentukan dari operator jaringan seluler adalah bahwa operator jaringan seluler harus memiliki atau mengendalikan akses ke lisensi spektrum radio dari lembaga pemerintah atau regulator. Karakteristik penting kedua dari operator jaringan seluler adalah bahwa operator jaringan seluler harus memiliki atau mengendalikan elemen infrastruktur jaringan yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan layanan kepada pelanggan melalui spektrum berlisensi.

Operator jaringan seluler biasanya juga memiliki sistem pasokan, penagihan, dan layanan pelanggan yang diperlukan dan pemasaran, layanan pelanggan dan organisasi rekayasa yang diperlukan untuk menjual, memposting, dan mengisi layanan; namun, operator jaringan seluler dapat mengalihdayakan salah satu dari sistem atau fungsi ini dan masih dianggap sebagai operator jaringan seluler.

Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk menciptakan operator virtual seluler internasional menggunakan cryptocurrency sendiri untuk pembayaran. Untuk pertama kalinya pelanggan menerima layanan seluler dengan imbalan cryptocurrency. Proposal kami didasarkan pada skema unik. Ekosistem MoBee terdiri dari tiga komponen: seperti operator MoBee virtual, platform NetWorx dan kotak uang DiStream. Platform NetWorx menghasilkan lalu lintas suara dan internet bagi operator virtual MoBee untuk didistribusikan lebih lanjut di antara pelanggan mereka.
Kotak uang DiStream menawarkan kepada pelanggan MoBee kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan layanan seluler dengan imbalan token MBE serta peluang tambahan untuk mengelola dana pada akun pelanggan. Solusi sederhana yang efektif ini telah dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kepentingan bersama pelanggan, operator seluler dan ahli telekomunikasi.

Misi kami: 
1.Meningkatkan jumlah pengguna cryptocurrency dari beberapa puluh juta (CCAF, Global Benchmarking Study Cryptocurrency) hingga beberapa miliar karena pengenalan segmen massa dari pasar layanan seluler. 
2.Kami akan menjadikan setiap pengguna ponsel sebagai pengguna cryptocurrency. 
3.Mengaktifkan peralihan pelanggan seluler ke pembayaran cryptocurrency. 
4.Membuat cryptocurrency semakin didukung oleh layanan telekomunikasi nyata yang diminati secara rutin. Situs web resmi

Pekerjaan operator seluler apa pun didasarkan pada penjualan kembali lalu lintas operator lain. Kami telah menemukan solusi sederhana yang menawarkan manfaat terbesar bagi semua pelanggan peserta, operator aktif, ekosistem ahli freelancer dan perusahaan outsourcing dalam industri telekomunikasi yang luas. 
Skema kerja melayani setiap peserta:
  • Pelanggan menerima komunikasi dengan harga menarik + alat untuk penggunaan, manajemen, dan akumulasi dana mereka di akun pelanggan
  • Ekosistem ahli telekom freelancer dan perusahaan menerima kontrak kerja yang menarik di industri favorit mereka yang membantu mensistematisasikan pekerjaan para ahli dan membuat mereka sibuk
  • Operator aktif menerima layanan pemeliharaan infrastruktur sesuai permintaan dengan harga terbaik yang memungkinkan mereka untuk menumbuhkan CFO. Platform ekosistem MoBee NetWorx diperlukan untuk menghasilkan lalu lintas suara dan internet bagi operator virtual kami. Volume jaringan outsourcing jaringan telekomunikasi saat ini diperkirakan lebih dari USD 60 miliar. Bursa dan pertukaran infrastruktur dapat meningkatkan CFO operator seluler sebesar 10% berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh J'son & Partners Consulting.

NetWorks adalah platform layanan alih daya kami yang unik untuk industri telekomunikasi. Kami menggunakan platform ini untuk menggabungkan pasar para ahli freelance yang sangat profesional dan perusahaan outsourcing. Operator seluler akan menggunakan platform ini untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari berbagai layanan dukungan infrastruktur telekomunikasi. Layanan ini akan diberikan kepada operator hanya sebagai ganti lalu lintas yang akan kami jual ke pelanggan operator maya MoBee untuk token MBE.

Proyek ini akan dikembangkan dalam bidang-bidang berikut:
  • Menumbuhkan basis pelanggan dan cakupannya
  • Memperluas daftar layanan yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan
  • Menumbuhkan jumlah peserta platform NetWorx
  • Menumbuhkan jumlah jaringan mitra
  • Integrasi layanan pihak ketiga ke kotak uang DiStream 

Proyek kami terbuka untuk kerjasama pemain pasar telekomunikasi lainnya yang dipersilakan untuk bergabung. Menurut perkiraan kami, 150-200 operasi seluler di seluruh dunia mungkin tertarik pada layanan ekosistem MoBee. Mereka menghitung sekitar 25-30% dari pasar potensial dan dapat menghasilkan volume fiat setara sebesar USD 9 miliar per tahun.
Token MBE adalah media pembayaran internal ekosistem MoBee dan ditujukan untuk semua jenis operasi. Ini menjadikannya faktor kunci ekonomi MoBee. Kami menawarkan token yang didukung oleh sumber daya komunikasi seluler, seperti lalu lintas suara dan internet. Token MBE akan dikonversi ke cryptocurrency lainnya dan ditukar dengan layanan seluler untuk Anda sendiri, teman dan kenalan Anda.

MBE Token (MBE) adalah ERC20 compliant dan dengan demikian dapat disimpan pada dompet Ethereum yang mendukung protokol ini.

Pra ICO: 15.02.2018 - 14.03.2018 
Untuk penjualan Pre ICO dialokasikan maksimal 2.000.000 token MBE. Token ini akan dijual dengan diskon eksklusif 70% dari harga awal MBE. 

ICO: 22.03.2018 - 10.06.2018 
Selama ICO, maksimum 20.000.000 MBE tersedia. Setelah ICO semua token MBE yang tidak terisi akan dihancurkan. 
Untuk mengatur Gas = 30 GW, dan Batas Gas = 85000. Ini berlaku untuk mode normal dari fungsi jaringan Ethereum, ketika tidak ada masalah dengan jaringan Ethereum itu sendiri.

Manfaat pemegang token MBE
  • Token MBE didukung oleh layanan seluler harian dari sektor ekonomi riil.
  • Token MBE juga didukung oleh pasar outsourcing telekom dari platform NetWorx
  • Pada tahap Pra-ICO dan ICO, pihak yang berkepentingan memiliki kesempatan unik untuk mendapatkan token MBE dengan diskon besar (tautan ke bagian ICO)
  • Masalah token terbatas. Tidak ada token tambahan yang akan dikeluarkan setelah ICO
  • Diskon tambahan akan diberikan untuk pembelian apa pun jika harga pembelian melebihi 3 ETH
  • Kemungkinan untuk membayar dengan token MBE di jaringan mitra saat melakukan pembelian
  • Kami memperkirakan bahwa token MBE akan semakin didukung dengan sumber daya layanan seluler karena proyek ini akan terungkap dan operator maya MoBee akan  memperluas jangkauannya.
  • Kemungkinan untuk menggandakan token disimpan di akun pelanggan menggunakan kotak uang DiStream
  • Token akan terdaftar di bursa saham yang memungkinkan untuk mengubahnya dalam mata uang kripto lainnya.
Anda dapat membeli token menggunakan Area Pribadi cara yang disukai atau dengan transaksi langsung ke alamat kontrak-cerdas dari dompet Ethereum ERC20. token MBE akan segera sampai ke alamat Ethereum Anda segera setelah transaksi pembayaran Anda selesai. Kami tidak membatasi pembelian minimum untuk satu transaksi. Anda dapat mengirim sejumlah ETH ke alamat kontrak cerdas MoBee. Setelah transaksi beli Anda akan diproses oleh jaringan Ethereum, Anda akan segera menerima token MBE kembali ke alamat dompet Anda sesuai harga jual MBE saat ini.


Untuk informasi selanjutnya link dibawah ini :

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

MoviToken = Created by an indie film producer to fill the void in the world of indie movie - pause financing. MoviToken smart contract, propagated to Ethereum Blockchain.

For those accustomed to seeing the film industry as a dream factory, it's hard to imagine a movie business as a powerful machine making big money for people who crave events and spectacles, MoviToken gives you not only a solution, you'll also be able to easily pay for their services in a matter of minutes with no problem, innovative token movi solutions to existing problems and obstacles that undermine both the quality of the film lack of transparency of the financial aspects and the frequent allegations.
Image results for token bounty movie
What is MoviToken?
MoviToken is a cryptocurrency ERC20 + VERIFIED community developed specifically for independent film communities. 

The Future of Indie Film
Producers can pay for talent and crew with MoviTokens. Basically finance the film in Ethereum Blockchain. Cast / Crew can later swap MoviTokens for Ethereum (ETH), then to USD, BTC, or altcoin or other tokens.

Community Currency
MoviToken is a community cryptocurrency that keeps "low / no pay" days and "suspends" something in the past. With MoviToken, everyone is paid! The producer can then use cash for equipment, fees, etc.

Jaminan MoviToken

MoviToken was created by an indie film producer to fill the void in the world of indie movie - pause financing. The MoviToken smart contract, deployed on Ethereum Blockchain, can not be changed. It can not be "killed".

The reality in today's film production environment is that budget tightening and increasing demands from studios, distributors and movie viewers. There are fewer dollars available to everyone, which means many financially strained industry members rarely have the chance to compete for a career - some will never have a career, leave the industry after years of unsuccessful. 

They are ambitious; filmmakers, actors, crew - pursue these dreams with their own money, finance their own careers through sacrifices and sometimes it means payments to be paid for their services. Many filmmakers around the world, producing <10,000 features, to put something out there, and not one person gets paid, every dollar has to go towards production. There are so many talented and creative voices around the world who can now have real opportunities in their career in the film industry, simply by adopting the use of MoviToken on their projects and receiving MoviToken for their services.

MoviToken a project managed by Southern Meridian, LLC is a blocchain tradable auxiliary currency intended for use in independent film communities for Movie, TV, Web Series, Documentary, etc. purposes. Production.MoviTokenERC20 + VERIFIED is a community cryptocurrency with the goal of making the days of "low / no payment" and "suspended" agreements in the film community is a thing of the past and thus easily exchanged to promote adoption in society. Producers can pay for talent and crew with MoviTokens, where cash is limited or nonexistent, essentially financing the film at Ethereum BlocKchain. 

MoviToken may be used in conjunction with, or alternatively for any fiat currency in the world where the use of the supplementary currency is legal. MOVI Trade reinforces an independent film community, enabling manufacturers to utilize the community currency on projects with limited cash. Currently, trading is being traded on the following exchanges: idex market,,, and rektex.github. io and can also be bought and sold through

Buying, selling or trading MoviToen does not provide any shares or holdings in Southern Meridian, LLC, MoviToken projects or films produced with movitoken, therefore Southern Meridian, LLC does not sell securities, shares, shares, or other forms of "security" defined by the Security and Exchange Act of 1934. It is also not an alternative payment method for union members as determined by States such as SAG, DGA, WGA, PGA, IATSE and others.
MoviToken aims to revolutionize independent film production by placing it in the Ethereum blockchain.

• It prevents cash leaving the community thus increasing vitality.
• Build trust and support within the indie film community.
• MoviToken ensures the circulation of funds locally within each film community in 
   the whole world.
• Allow everyone regardless of status, to integrate and
   contribute to the indie film community.
• MoviToken promotes creativity and cleverness in the community,  
  develop skills and potential.

Simbol MoviToken: MOVI
Kontrak MoviToken: 0x623B925b0A57a24EA8dE301F2E3E692cE903f0c3
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Southern Meridian, LLC: 250.000.000
TBA Production Studio: 250.000.000

Market: 500,000,000

Q2 2018 : MoviToken will partner with Bancor for continued liquidity. The first production studio to adopt the use of MoviToken will be announced.

Q3 2018: The first feature film to be produced with MoviToken will be announced, MoviToken will partner with the crowdfunding platform to help filmmakers with fundraising for their projects, Productions to get started on the first feature film financed by MoviToken. (End of Q3)

Q4 2018 : In Q4 2018, MoviToken must be listed on more than 1 major exchanges and merged by multiple dApps. MoviToken is currently working to be listed by BarterDEX Komodo and ETHLend's Lending Platform.

2019: Launch first feature film financed by MoviToken.

2020-2022 : Southern Meridian, LLC will release the first public of several case studies on the use of MoviToken to produce movies, Data and findings will be provided by independent research companies. (The exact date depends on the distribution schedule.)
For more information, click the link below:

Penulis oleh : Kobro;u=1152789
ETH : 0x8f5ef4838E6E3Df2095B3beb6C149AdE718D5D07

EGRETIA Lab = Is a platform created to enable HTML5 on blockchain, which will solve the major shortcomings that exist in the HTML5 industry and bring practical solutions for industrial development.

In the modern era of Internet technology development, how to provide and organize information in a global network continues to grow and change. In the process of great competition, various services and resources are regularly improved. The mobile gaming industry has undergone a truly revolutionary change, but the existing technology is almost running out of resources for further evolution of mobile games. HTML5 technology will provide the next impetus and bring new values. The modern Internet giant has tried and adopted this technology. For example, Facebook released online games on its messenger with over 1 billion active players per day. Google launches PWA is a search concept with HTML5. WeChat launches mini-games with over 100 million players per day. According to calculations,

Although the HTML5 industry is growing very fast and in every way beyond the previous version, there are certain difficulties with respect to business models, number of users, and market volume. For example, there is a lack of copyright enforcement mechanisms to protect games and apps, as well as the lack of an integrated and secure trading platform for digital game assets. Blockchain technology has proven itself and is popular for decentralization, security, and transparency. Blockchain is the best solution for resolving issues in the HTML5 industry.

Related image
What is Egretia?
This is the world's first HTML5 platform for developers based on blockbuster. HTML5 is a programming language in which all online games are written. This machine lets you create more beautiful and interesting tech games to introduce new functional there.

The project itself has been around for four years, Egretia is integrated into the html5 game process and now along with their platform making projects based on blockbuster.

Token Platform Digital Egretia (Egret)

The Egretia platform will provide Egret digital tokens, which can be combined with other games, as well as being used by different players to trade safe and efficient virtual goods. Egret Token will be the first token that will connect the various games in one "virtual world"
In fact, the team only takes two promising innovative leads, and this is the next language version and advantage of the blockbuster platform, and combined into one Egretia project. Now they try to unite these two technologies in a single ecosystem and they complement each other to some extent, become more secure, productive.

As you know, the entire game industry is now also moving into the blockade, the potential of this technology in terms of game is very large, investors also look in this perspective, invest in this direction.

Viewed by road map, finished products can already be expected in the 3rd quarter of 2018, and in the first quarter of 2019 the digital wallet will be issued to store and sell tokens
Image results for egretia game images
As for the gameplay itself and features developing a new html5 programming language for gaming, the Egretia project offers its users the following strengths
Fast transfer of game attributes, items, achievements between players
Increased competition among game developers, which will lead to improved game quality;
Implement safe and affordable microfree payment systems for gaming commerce:
Ability to move digital assets of players from one game world to another
Development of a unique economic game system:
Security of transactions between players, anonymity of all actions, if desired players.
Development of platform and its foundation
In collaboration with Egret Technology, which for 4 years, developed the HTML5 workflow, Egretia can clearly set goals and objectives that help develop game functionality to extraordinary heights. In addition, after realizing its potential on the blockchain platform, the company will be able to bring its technology to the masses, making it more widely available.
Here are some of the benefits that new html5 programming languages ​​bring to various video games, how this will affect the visual side of the question:
  • Self-developed public blockade on the Egretia platform
  • High performance in gameplay
  • Real-time settings.
  • Built-in windows game development & smart coding help.
  • Digital Wallet for platform users (using tokens as an activity tool  within the platform)
  • Content run by Egret Engine has reached hundreds of millions of users.
  • This platform has a digital token, which is distributed in HTML5 projects   around the world.
  • Ecosystems that are sustainable and protected for users.

Egretia Blockchain Lab, with core members from Qualcomm, Adobe, Microsoft, etc., as well as experts in blockchain field, is devoted to combining blockchain technology with Egret's leading HTML5 engine and tool technologies, aiming for applying blockchain to vertical industries.

Senin, 23 April 2018

HAI = Provides cheap research and decision-making platforms that help you and your ideas.

Image results for hi bounty
What is HAI Project? 
This is the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence that combines the 3 key sectors that govern our economic environment even though we can not see it clearly. 
The main purpose of the HAI is to provide an opportunity for small business owners to compete with large companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the opportunity to do 
profitable trading and ultimately to protect themselves and their business from criminals around the world. 
The world creates a powerful Hybrid-AI combined with no limit ecofriendly infrastructure, providing an opportunity to operate this HAI system through the use of chain block technology
(ERC20 Token & Smart Contract) all users with HAI tokens will be able to benefit from the project. 

The vision for the HAI Project is to create the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence capable of detecting new cyber threats, good opportunities for traditional financial markets and data applied to business intelligence. 

Double infrastructure in every industry has a deficiency or a misconfigured element, allowing malicious users to abuse their system or even try to attack them for personal benefit at the expense of others, this is why we need more than human power. 

It has been proven in various competitions that Artificial Intelligence is superior to humans when guided through the entire learning process in this way helps turning raw information into usable knowledge.

The most important industries identified by the HAI Project Team are 
the Finance sector, Maya World Security and Business Intelligence. 

FEATURES Traditional AI systems are very expensive and not available to normal users, with HAI game changes, providing a cheap and powerful AI capable of: 1 - Market Predictions To have a successful trading experience, it takes hours or even days for research deciding when to trade, normal people do not have time, you do not have that time. HAI does heavy lifting so you can spend time doing what you really like, but if you are deep into HAI market research can help you make better decisions, 1 HAI and 1 brain is better than mere brain. 2-Hunting Threats

Attackers become smarter and increase the complexity of their tools, it is HAI that will protect you and even your business these criminals, using hunting threats, malware analysis, and behavioral analysis techniques. 3 - Business Intelligence Decisions can help small businesses to increase their sales by providing robust analysis of possible scenarios, market research, and product development. Just because we do not start with a lot of resources, that does not mean we can not do it competing with bigger competitors, HAI provides cheap research and platform decision making that helps you and your ideas. Market opportunity

The three sectors chosen to be at the core of the first HAI have grown tremendously in the last decade because globalization and technology are very helpful in providing more data and analytics tools and we are in an era of specialization where we have more workers prepared for the complicated. task, but, with a crazy growth rate, chances for something bad happen to increase. HAI: Project Token HAI was born with the thought of solving a problem that no one can solve for years and more urgent to resolve as the problem gets bigger. Artificial Intelligence is the solution, creating a system capable of defeating thousands of people in just a fraction of an hour, saving thousands of hours and more importantly, saving money, a lot.

Token HAI is intended to represent the percentage of actual network strength, allowing users to 
using AI for purposes within the scope of the project, this will be done using a web application developed by the HAI Project team that will lock the token for a certain amount of time as well as the user will be able to upload data to AI (guides will be provided) and receive reports for that data. 

Initially the HAI token will be issued using the Ethereum Platform, creating 70,000,000 HAI. Once ICO is completed and the main block chain is launched, the swap token is planned, migrating to an independent network without congestion, large cost or scalability issues. 

Many AI systems are owned by large corporations; The HAI project is intended to be owned by people and aims to become the first public AI service at anyone's disposal using the ascomputing power token as described above. Token Supply & Sale The token implementation will be through an Intelligent Contract which will generate a token in accordance with the Pre-ICO and ICO order tariffs specified below. There is a token that has a cap 100 MILLION HAI token Bonus Distribution: 5% Research: 5% Team: 5% Advisor: 5% Pre-ICO: 15% ICO: 56% 6,000,000Total TokenHAIfor ICO15,000,000TokenHAIfor Pre-ICO: 35,000,000TokenHAIfor ICO Phase

30.000.000 ha 
Token for ICO Phase 2 
TOTAL TOKENS: 100.000.000 HAI  
HAIper Platform
These are the activities that we're going to be making in the first year in order to achieve our goals


Author by: Kobro;u=1152789
ETH: 0x8f5ef4838E6E3Df2095B3beb6C149AdE718D5D07