ACA Network uses blockchain technology to build highly transparent network systems to access digital advertising with complete information that has been obscured by agencies that control things in the past. This will signify the end of the era of margin exploitation by digital advertising agents.
ACA Network is a new generation platform, which actively develops the online advertising market to raise it to a new level. The main purpose of content creators today is to organize such systems to conduct transactions that are reliable, transparent, and understandable, as well as beneficial to advertisers and media representatives.
This company already has great experience in this industry, as far as it has been operating since 2010, and during this time it has reached 500 million preview per month - this work is done in a mobile application. In the near future the company will bring the advertising market to a higher level in Japan, which ranks third in the world. After that, this platform has every opportunity to change the online advertising industry around the world.
High process transparency on ACA Network is achieved by using blockchain technology. Previously, when the online advertising market was fully controlled by various agencies, a lot of information from advertisements was hidden and could not be considered fully reliable.
ACA Network Feature Features
The brain behind AC Network plans to use the right tools to use in order to improve the advertising capabilities of their users:
1. Smart Ethereum Contract to ensure a safe and fair transaction
2. ACA (ACA-AMS) dApp advertising management system for easy communication between advertisers and ad groups
3. Exchange of ACA advertisements (ACA-EX) to help coordinate advertising banners and advertising media.
4. ACA SDK ad network (ACA-NET) for distribution of advertisements on various devices, such as cellular, web applications and applications for smartphones.
How does ACA work?
Interested parties in ACA network services will access the site by buying JPYT tokens. As a result, they will have the right to pay close attention to meeting their expectations through the work tools mentioned above. They also receive additional procedures through DApp.
In addition, users on the platform can broadcast large-scale ad campaigns as soon as the production process is complete. Campaigns through the ACA network automatically increase delivery to the appropriate advertising media. In addition, it provides a direct relationship between ad producers and advertisers, which saves costs and time. The low cost of the ACA network is also another advantage not only for beginners, but also for high-performance advertising media. Thus, the platform platform consists in attracting advertising partners who will interact and exchange services on the platform using JPYT tokens as a tool for transactions in the ecosystem.
The ACA network stand offers several benefits to interested parties in the advertising sector, and even more so in advertising on the Internet. If something goes according to plan, as in an official Technical Document, then we find this site very promising and well organized with enough information to help you make important decisions.
Detailed information:
Token SALE
Information about the Token sales schedule on the ACA network
Private sales April 15.
Limited amount of 160,000,000, 40% bonus
Minimum commission: 80 ETH
July 14 Pre-Token Sales
Limited amount of 100,000,000
30% bonus
Minimum commission: 30 ETH
August 4 Sales of tokens
Stage.1 Limited amount of bonus 200,000,000 20%
Minimum commission: 0.1 ETH
August 25 sales of tokens
Stage.2 The bonus amount is limited to 200 000 000 10%
Minimum commission: 0.1 ETH Sept.
15 sell phase 3 tokens
Limited bonus amount of 186 000 000 0%
Minimum commission: 0.1 ETH
Activities for sale of 1,000,000,000 ACA tokens will take place in three stages at 3 yen per 1 ACA. The minimum goal is set at 100,000,000 ACAs and a maximum of 1,000,000,000 ACAs.
Private sales on April 15, 2018, a limited number of bonuses in the amount of 160,000,000, 40% and a minimum fee of 80 ETH.
Prior to ICO-14 July 2018, a limited amount of 100,000,000, a 30% bonus with a minimum bet of 30 ETH.
ICO for the first three stages (August 4); limited amount of 200,000,000, a minimum bonus of 20% costs 0.1 ETH. The second stage (August 25); limited amount of 200,000, 10% bonus, minimum cost of 0.1 ETH. Third stage (15 September); limited amount of 186,000,000, 0% bonus, minimum cost of 0.1 ETH.
Token distribution plans are as follows:
- 50% - for sale;
- 28% - for the project team;
- 12% - for reserve fund;
- 5% - for advisors;
- 5% - for Bounty campaigns.
Funds received during the sale of tokens will be distributed in the following ways:
- 50% - for further development;
- 30% - for marketing;
- 10% - for management;
- 5% - for administrative costs;
JAN 2018
Kembangkan Proof-of-Concept White Paper
1. Assessing the requirements and challenges of building a team to develop and operate our services.
2. Solving the expected challenges in the selection and development of the dApp platform with a long-term sustainable ecosystem will be focused.
APR 2018
Launch the ACA Network and Personal Sales Official Website
White Paper Release and initial investor recruitment through private sales.
JUN 2018
First Version Development Starts
The development of ACA-AMS, the foundation of the ACA Network, will be launched with the process of producing advertisements and transferring funds.
JUL 2018
Launch Pre-Token Sales
Lasts 3 weeks before the sale of public Tokens on the ACA Site is open to a limited group of registered people.
August 2018
Launch Sales of Public Tokens
Funds needed for product development and service operations will be increased through the sale of tokens. We will set the exchange rate for the coins received. Users can then send the desired number of coins to receive the appropriate amount of our tokens stored in their account.
SEP 2018
Registering as a Publisher "Third Party Face Payment" Method
To enable Currency Exchange, we will submit an application to become the publisher of the "third party money payment" method in accordance with Japanese Law on Payment of Funds.
OCT 2018
Establish Japanese Corporations to Establish Operational Management Systems
Our Japanese company will be formed to build ACA networks in Japan including advertisers, media advertisements and advertising production partners.
FEB 2019
Releasing Currency Exchange Sites (Temporary Names)
We will create an exchange site for Currency Tokens, which will be used as standard currencies in the ACA Network, and start exchanging tokens with a 1: 1 exchange rate with valid tenders. Tokens sold through exchanges will be used in ACA Networks such as cash, and their presence as tokens on the blockchain will make transparency in the transfer of funds. All Currency Token exchanges must be made within the ACA Network, and trade between third parties is prohibited.
APR 2019
Open Beta Test for ACA-AMS and ACA-NET
The ACA, ACA-AMS and ACA-NET networks that are able to connect to advertising media will be launched. After the connection function is confirmed, analysis and improvement are appropriate to be made.
JUN 2019
Release ACE-EX Beta
The trading model and the efficiency of ACA Network's commercial exchange, ACA-EX, will be verified. The performance of ad campaigns that have been released will be analyzed to continue developing sustainable ecosystems.
OCT 2019
ACA Network Official Service
Official services that implement all ACA-AMS, ACA-EX and ACA-NET specifications will be launched including the necessary improvements identified during beta testing.
Executive team
ICO Media

Mitra Media

For more information on the link below:
Author by: Kobro
ETH: 0x8f5ef4838E6E3Df2095B3beb6C149AdE718D5D07
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