Rabu, 18 Juli 2018

ExToke = Is the new free charge Decentralized Ethereum ERC20 Token Exchange at no cost to the buyer or seller.

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With the discovery of blockchain comes in all the locations stored in the wallet. These methods are good because contacted and cryptocurrency cost thousands of dollars. An example of what happened to DAO in June 2017, mixed the names of companies that robbed about $ 50 million from Ethereum. This event makes blockchain lose its credibility at one point in the eyes of investors and people interested in using it.
Image results for EXTOKE ICO
This further leads to information systems where funds can not be used everywhere and the methods used to make this method brilliant.
However, as much as decentralized exchange, it has errors that make enough for some people. Challenges made by users on the exchange. Decentralized from intricate trading platform complexities to stupid high costs for every transaction. Most can not be used to create users, whenever they have a problem or something else, etc.
And here's why Develop a function to address this problem and increase the credibility of blockchain.

What is EXTOKE?
This is a Ethereum exchange platform that can not be used to buy and sell cryptocurrency. It was created with the aim of solving major problems related to centralized and decentralized exchanges at no cost or cost involved.

Work Structure EXTOKE
By using a decentralized system, security by using platforms created by this platform, which conduct transactions quickly and without cost.
People who can not be centralized in the bank case, but they are very pressured.
Use of XTO tokens to improve the economic platform with about 50% distribution and much cheaper price.

How do I get the benefits of EXTOKE Exchange?
📌 The most important reason for traders is that they are free of cost, ie there is no cost incurred for some transactions unlike any other, egcointal blockchain that requires a minimum of about 0.2% of the profit generated. by user.
📌This is also very useful for colleagues because they can exchange as many tokens as they wish, because of the fear of losing because they will reduce their costs and expenses for them.
📌 The presence of a service system that  benefits both developers and investors as developers will have a variety of networks to project their projects and interested investors will be able to access the required access while earning a profit at no cost to pay.

Centralized issues are, but are not limited to:

 High Cost
 Financial issues (money stored in admin account)
 Serious risk of being victims  The problems facing the DEX industry are, but are not limited to:

 High Cost
 Lack of High Trade Cost Customers  The  top 30 cryptocurrency exchanges, on average, cost a 0.2%cost oftrade in the cost of making and taking, which impacts the merchant's profit margin  significantly. Some exchanges claim that they charge a low trade fee, but  this rate only applies if the merchant volume  reaches a very high threshold. Real-time Trading Difficulties
Due to trading APIs with limited tariffs, non-real-time transaction confirmations,  and issuing pending books, sellers can not trade in real-time.

Asset Security Issues
Cryptocurrency trading platforms store large amounts of cryptocurrency  , making them unable to damage hacker targets. In February  24, 2014, Mt.Gox, the Bitcoin exchange, was breached and lost 650,000  Bitcoin, which is currently worth $ 2,500,000,000USD; in August 2016,  Bitfinex, one of the world's 10 cryptocurrency currencies, hacked  and lost 120,000 Bitcoins, is currently worth more than $ 480,000 USD.
We're all here about the exchange of other crypto  hacked. If investors continue to worry about  problems, then the growth of cryptocurrency trading market will be  affected.

Detail Token
Token Ticker: Token XTO
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20 Discounted
Rate: 0,000001 ETH = 1 XTO
Standard Exchange Rate: 0,0001 ETH = 1 XTO
MVP / Prototype:Tokensale
Open Information

ICO Time Frame: 2018-06- 27 - 2018-07-21
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 XTO
Token Sale Supply: 500,000,000 XTO
Hard Cap: 500 ETH
Soft cap: 50 ETH
Origin: Australia
Currency received: ETH
Contract address: 0x28925299ee1edd8fd68316eaa64b651456694f0f

Our solution
ExToke command to solve the current cryptocurrency problem
exchange. ExToke has ZERO trading fees for traders
profit and overall user experience.
ExToke has the ability to make orders in real time via our XTO
Switch Smart Contracts, achieve real "real-time" trading
A decentralized redemption is the safest way to trade. With DEX, you
hold your funds. YOURSELF your funds. They do not sit in the admin
account waiting to be removed by an offshore hacker! Our DEX Solutions
full offer for our XTO us.
YOU have your funds and they remain safe and secure in you
Our XTO smart contract is safe and instantly trades without
cost. ExToke does not make commissions from your trades and your funds
never sit in a wallet that is not yours.
We also provide dedicated 24/7 teams via email, social media and live chat via Telegram.

Why Decentralization?
Decentralized exchanges fully take the need for third parties
services to store user funds in a centralized system. Trading takes place in an automated peer-to-peer mode, with no trading costs.
More importantly, the funds belong to the users themselves. Contrary to the centralization of exchanges (CEXs), where if users keep their funds, they are essentially exchange funds.
Additionally, since there is no centralized server to be hacked, there are no server downtimes or are afraid of large-scale hacking. "Decentralized exchanges are basically people who can exchange, while centralized exchanges are similar models to banks, including limited money.
DEX provides secure, fast, and secure solution for trade tokens.

Extoke is a platform that is completely selfless and deals with increasing user pricing as well as transactions and because it uses a decentralized, fast, secure and inaccurate platform for transaction processing. This innovation will cause a revolution in all cryptocurrency exchanges. This is due to the fact that no ads can not be charged.
Existing exchanges all claim to have a low cost structure, and troop users are there to trade anyway. So imagine what will happen when Extoke Exchange is fully integrated into the cryptocurrency community. Everyone will want to trade with him.
Apart from its low cost, it also has cutting edge technology in place to ensure a smoooth-free and stress-free user experience. This will encourage everyone, including new users without professional trading knowledge, to trade on platforms.
I see Extens Exchange take over. This project has made progress on the path of success. Softcap has been exceeded, and hardcap will be achieved any time from now. The team and his counselors are great too. The combination of all this, will encourage an exchange into the future.

Expand development roadmap
A well-defined roadmap is needed to help streamline team activities. And keep investors informed about the progress made by the team at any point in time.

The ExToke Team
For more information link below:
Official website: https://www.extoke.com
ICO Page: https://www.extoke.com/tokensale.html
Trade links: https://trade.extoke.com
Address ETH Contract: 0x28925299ee1edd8fd68316eaa64b651456694f0f
White Book: https://www.extoke.com/white-paper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ex_toke
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/extokecom
Bitcointalk ANN: https : //bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic = 4506005.0
Github: https://github.com/extoke
Telegram: https://t.me/extoke

Author by: Kobro
ETH: 0x8f5ef4838E6E3Df2095B3beb6C149AdE718D5D07

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