Hello ... good luck with Kobro again I will introduce a new product that is:

The advent of blockchain technology enables the creation of asset-backed tokens, where each token can be pegged according to the appropriate security value stored in the backup. Blockchain technology also allows beyond the old geographical barriers to entry. Token can be traded online from anywhere, fast and cheap, and can be sold as a fractional asset, which further lowers the financial barriers to entry. Ankorus will build an online exchange populated by current financial assets around the world. Various audit actions will be taken to establish transparency, and customers can validate that the tobacco assets are fully supported and held by Ankorus. Ankorus prioritizes responsive customer service as its core value.
The Token Anchor system will be an alternative investment ecosystem that enables and provides any financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, futures, options, gold, silver, commodities, REIT, ETF and state debt. When our customer purchases an Anchor Token, we will immediately purchase the appropriate asset. Ankorus , as a trusted keeper, holds this asset in reserve. Token holders may exchange their Anchor Tokens at the Ankorus sign exchange exchange , AnchorNet, or redeem the value directly from us.

Ankorus will be able to commit tokenise to the Anchor Token of any existing financial asset.
Ankorus will also request an anchor quota in return for a one-time tokatization fee.
Ankorus will provide to purchase financial assets currently traded worldwide, such as AMZN, FB, SBUX, BIDU, AAPL, T-Bills and US Bonds, USD, CHF, JPY, SPY, GLD, ZKB Gold, Crude Oil.

How Does Ankorus Work?
Select Financial Assets
Shares / Shares
ETFs / Bonds Currencies Commodities
2. Pay
Pay with 60+ Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin / Ether Litecoin / Ripple Dash / NEO Monero / Omisego
3. Receive
Anchor Token Related to Your Security
Immediately Credited to your Smart Wallet
4. Hold
Trade Transfer Redeem
Ankorus Market

- Customers choose financial assets for tokenise
- Customers pay Ankorus for their purchase in one of a number of currencies (this includes BTC, ETH, Ripple's XRP, BCH, Litecoin, Dash, NEO, Tether and ANK).
- Ankorus brokerage dealer buys the underlying securities, as selected by the customer. The order is filled at the current traded price.
- The equivalent value of the Anchor Token for such security is then credited to the customer's account in their smart wallet, minus the small fees and commissions. The Anchor Token will be credited to the customer's wallet within minutes of receiving the order.
- Any revenue derived from the underlying securities will be automatically reinvested into the securities, giving customers a larger number of Anchor Tokens, or credited to the customer's wallet. Customers can choose which option they choose.
Ankorus is the only entity that can make or break anchor Token, thus retaining their exact value according to the underlying security.
The Anchor Token system will provide low cost, transparent and fast facilities for the management of financial risks in a number of sectors.
- Cryptocurrency
The adoption rate for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin is still slow mainly due to the high price volatility and debate surrounding how technology will proceed. The anchor token is an effective solution to the uncertainty. The cryptocurrency holder
trying to lock in value they can exchange it quickly and cheaply for tokens
Anchors, and then later converts them back to cryptococcus again.
- Fund manager, retirement portfolio, all major securities holders
As the anchors can easily switch to another anchor, through a relative exchange
agile on AnchorNet, the portfolio can be easily played.
- Nations with very fluctuating currency prices
Individuals in countries with volatile currencies will be able to exchange their currency with Anchor Tokens with more stable securities to guarantee their value
If the Anchor Token is lost or stolen, Ankorus will create or replace it again, a convenient service provided by Ankorus's proprietary technology that enables quick and effective loss of losses.
Token Anchor Token will store their tokens in Ankorus's highly secure and reactive smart wallet. The intelligent wallet Ankorus will utilize proprietary technology to achieve an unparalleled level of security in an immature cryptogenic and predatory environment. The vulnerability of hacking is greatly reduced.
Smart wallets will use Reactive Portfolio Management (RPM), providing a view that allows users to monitor realtime the current value of their Anchor Tokens, in the base currency they choose, and the value of any existing currency. Account statements can also be requested.
If an improper transfer occurs, RPM technology will automatically trigger a self-destruct algorithm built into the Anchor Tokens. Subsequently, each party will be made entirely through the lifting of unauthorized transactions and the provision of a replacement token.
Token holders will be able to exchange their Anchor Tokens for other Anchor Tokens at AnchorNet, Token Token's proprietary exchange platform planned (see The AnchorNet Trading Platform) and also on other available crypto exchanges.
The owner of the Anchor Tokens is named by Ankorus as an Accredited Carrier. Accredited carriers will be able to exchange Anchor Tokens from Ankorus or exchange them on the secondary market, AnchorNet. The Accredited carrier will be the initial buyer of the Anchor Token, the beneficiary of the original buyer, or the buyer of the AnchorNet secondary market.
Accredited carriers will be able to nominate and identify beneficiaries who are given anchor tokens to be inherited. Once the Anchor Token has been transferred to the beneficiary, the beneficiary becomes the new Accredited Carrier.
Customers will pay into their accounts and redeem their holdings in both traditional fiat and cryptocurrency currencies. The repayment currency will be determined by the account's funds currency and must remain the same.
Regardless of the currency used, both Ankorus and its customers are required to comply with relevant local regulations regarding financial transactions in that currency.
Accredited Token Accredited carriers may exchange it directly from Ankorus, to their customer accounts, for their equivalent underlying security value.
After the Anchor Token has been redeemed, or if there is a currency balance in the customer's account, customers may request a withdrawal from their account.
Ankorus will create a primary and secondary market for Anchor Tokens.
Ankorus will create a primary and secondary market for Anchor Tokens.
- The main market
Customers buy and exchange Anchor Tokens directly from Ankorus. Order filled
to customers according to current market prices. Likewise, tokens will be redeemed
with current market prices.
- Secondary Market
Ankorus will create an orderly market for secondary trading of all Token Anchors. It will be traded on AnchorNet, to be developed in Phase Three (see Roadmap). Here, customers will be able to redeem Anchor Tokens for a wide range
securities anchored and all cryptocurrencies.
Ankorus will use a special ledger to achieve the highest level of security and trust required for online exchanges.
- The ledger will track the creation of tokens, ownership, transactions and redemption.
- Token ownership rights will be tracked at any time.
- All transactions that occur must be a valid transaction, completed through the ledger.
To ensure proper relationships are maintained between the existing Anchor Token and its underlying securities, and maintaining the required operating transparency, Ankorus will apply various mechanisms:
- We will be audited by the exchange
- We will be audited by all necessary monetary authorities
- We will invite reputable auditors to check our books
In addition to these steps, Ankorus customers will be able to check the ledger to compare the total tokens made against the total value of the securities they own. The daily broker statement will also be issued to confirm the transactions made and the securities owned.
Ankorus will act as a depository for all underlying securities.
- Ankorus, as a custodian, will guarantee the security of all the underlying securities purchased through global exchanges.
- The "Proof of Asset" dashboard will be maintained in real-time in AnchorNet, enabling complete transparency.
- The clearing company Ankorus will give a daily statement, available from Ankorus.
- Custodian will be insured SIPC.
- The custodian will be independently audited to ensure the backup proof matches all the tokens made.
Meet Team:

"Everything around you that you call life is made by people who are not smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it.You can build your own stuff that other people can use.As you study it, you will never same again. " {Steve Jobs}
For more information, you can visit the link below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ankorus
Website: https://www.ankorus.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnkorusGlobal
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/Ankorus
Medium: https://www.medium.com/@Acorus
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/AnkorusGlobal
Telegram: https://www.t.me/Ankorus
Author: Kobro
ETH: 0x8f5ef4838E6E3Df2095B3beb6C149AdE718D5D07
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